Safety Studies: Real Research That Drives Progress
We’re committed to supporting independent, peer-reviewed research that pushes roadside safety forward and spurs innovation.

Trust the light that increases visibility 89%
A new, peer-reviewed study from the Battelle Memorial Institute found that drivers can better see roadside workers and take action to avoid them when a Guardian Angel Elite Series™ light is worn with a high-visibility safety vest.
The results are in, The impact is significant
Overwhelming increase in visibility
A Guardian Angel light and vest is 89% more visible than a vest alone.
Light & Vest Combo for the win
100% of drivers said the Guardian Angel light and vest combo grabbed their attention soonest.
A better way to change driver behavior
100% of drivers slowed down and/or moved over when they saw the Guardian Angel light.
Safer conditions across the board
Light and vest combo resulted in safest driving conditions (greatest speed reductions and most lane changes).
Light myth – Busted
No increase in glare reported.
See the light & Slow down
Significantly more drivers slowed down when they saw an Elite Series™ light compared to a vest alone.

The stats don’t lie – The need for change is clear
Move Over Laws are Misunderstood
Approximately 67% of the public isn’t aware of their local Move Over Law. 1
Leading cause of Law Enforcement Deaths
Traffic-related incidents continue to be the top killer of police in the U.S. 2
Construction Workers at High Risk
Moving vehicles killed an average of 58 roadside workers at construction sites each year from 2011-2020. 3
1 United States Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration. Traffic Incident Management Quick Clearance Laws: A National Review of Best Practices. 2008.
2 National Safety Council. First Responder Safety Public Opinion Poll. 2019
3 Bureau of Labor Statistics. Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2011-2020. 2022.
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